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Welcome to Diplomat Communications!  We are the proud language service provider dedicated to helping you cross language barriers and scale your business at the global level.

A decade long career in academia evolved into a sharp-running, fast growing business after I saw a need for a solution-based translation company. It quickly became the perfect platform to share my knowledge of translation, linguistics and language technologies with a greater audience. The future beckons with the opportunity to help clients across language and cultural barriers.

Exceptionally high quality, solid knowledge and expertise and the highly qualified team have made Diplomat stand out in the language industry. I am fortunate to work with my team members who have accumulatively over 100 years of experience and advanced degrees in translation or other fields. Our team is efficient and detail-oriented. We always put quality control and clients' needs first. 

An academic and educator at heart, I like to teach and share what I know and have learned with others. Our mission is to help local business scale globally and to enhance our clients' global competitiveness. 

---Dr. Zhewei Gregory

Co-founder and CEO

Our Story

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